
Planning a Change in Career
 ”Let us stop equating
work with earning a living, but rather think of it as
an important component of making a life.”

Occupational choice is a life long process of decision-making
in which the individual constantly seeks to find the
optimal fit between career goals and the realities of
the world of work. When many people contemplate
career change, they start with the jobs that are out
there and not with themselves and their skills, interests,
knowledge and abilities.

However, the first step in career change is self-assessment.
If you don’t know who you are, what you can do
well, what you like and don’t like, and where
you want to work, you will have difficulty finding a
new career that will really satisfy you.

Career assessment and planning can help individuals
contemplating career change.

Full day of interviews and testing for occupational
interests, personality, aptitudes, workstyle, problem
solving abilities, sales and supervisory ability and
potential, personal and professional development needs,
interpretive interviews, examples of suitable occupations,
training/educational information, summary report with
recommendations. Two hour follow up to develop action
plan (in depth research).
and Vocational Assessment

Designed to suit the needs and requirements of organizations
such as Vocational Rehabilitation Services,
Workers Compensation, Insurance and Vocational Rehabilitation

Summary report, includes comprehensive interviews and
full day testing: abilities, aptitudes, personality
traits, learning and work styles, job environment and
supervisory preferences, development needs, examples
of suitable occupations/job options, educational and
retraining information. One hour feedback session.
 Organizational Development

These programs were designed for businesses to assess
the following areas:
satisfaction and organization climate
selection to aid in identifying successful candidates
effectiveness (mission clarity, team coordination, innovation,
leadership, timing and staff, skills and
manager and executive potential

Programs are customized and designed in collaboration
with individual companies.
in Transition

For many women who have worked at home raising their
families, a return to the work force is threatening
anxiety provoking.

A systematic approach to self-assessment which helps
analyze the roles and skills that you have developed
outside of the workforce is helpful in increasing self-confidence.

Career counseling and career assessment can help women
returning to work to formulate career and educational
goals that are based on their skills, aptitudes and
interests. Furthermore, pursing a well thought out career
plan is reflected in a more satisfying career experience.

One hour interview, 2 1/2 hours testing, interpretive
interview, report summarizing vocational interests,
aptitudes, role and skills analysis, personality strengths
and limitations, workstyle and job environment preferences,
examples of suitable occupations and training/educational
information. Three hours of meetings to develop an action
plan, including additional research and establishment
of criteria to make a final career and/or educational
 Student and Young
Adult Career and Educational Planning

Career choice is the end result of a process which begins
early in life. As the exploration of careers becomes
more complex (there are more than 20,000 occupations
listed in the Canadian Dictionary of Occupational Titles),
many young people benefit from the results of career

Career testing can help students and young adults to
increase their self-awareness by presenting a wide scope
of occupational choices and isolating a segment for
consideration in terms of personal interests, abilities
and values.

This exploration has become increasingly important with
the escalating cost of post secondary education and
today’s restricted employment opportunities related
to present economic conditions.

This program consists of: 2 1/2 hours testing, interpretive
interview, report summarizing vocational interests,
personality strengths and weaknesses, aptitudes, examples
of suitable occupations, training/ educational information. |