
There is a growing awareness of the physical and psychological
trauma resulting from personal injury. The aim in a
psychological assessment is to assess the interaction
between the physical and psychological trauma, and the
nature and degree of the impact of such problems on
the individual’s capacity to complete a day’s
normal routine.

Some psycho-legal questions that may comprise a comprehensive
psychological personal injury assessment are: What
is the client’s present behavioural condition?
there pre-existing causes to the present behavioural
there a relationship between the client’s injury
and present psychological condition, is this consistent
traumatic event? Is
the client malingering? What
is the nature and extent of the client’s psychological
and/or psycho-neurological disabilities? What
are the likely prognoses and recommendations for rehabilitation?
 Components of the Assessment

A comprehensive psychological personal injury assessment
may comprise all or some of the following components:
interviews with the client Collateral
interviews (verification of the impact on the client’s
functioning) Personality,
educational, vocational, cognitive and/or neuropsychological
review of the client’s documents (e.g. medical,
employment, legal, school/college transcripts, military)
 The Clinical Interview

A significant component of the clinical interview is
the first-hand observation of the client’s emotions,
mood and affect, and the occurrance of specific emotional
displays during the interview. Other observational targets
are the client’s speech, thought processes, and
general mannerisms.

The clinical interview largely focuses on history taking
and involves:

A description of the accident: location,
weather conditions, time the
nature of the client’s involvement the
physical injuries sustained post-accident
treatment expectations
of the client/significant others

Personal information developmental,
medical, psychiatric, substance abuse, educational,
marital/ family, legal, employment,
interaction, and recreational histories
description of current stressors
of Psychological Tests

There are several purposes for giving the client standardized
psychological tests. Personality tests are administered
to determine whether there are functional contributions
to the physical impairment and/or to assess the emotional
impact of the personal injury. Cognitive neuropsychological
tests are given where cerebral trauma has been sustained
or is suspected to have occurred. Other testing may
include educational and vocational batteries.

The Areas of Psychological Difficulties

From the information obtained in clinical interview,
testing, and other sources, the psychologist identifies
the areas of specific difficulties which could include:
phobic or maladaptive reactions, how psychophysiological
correlates to the injury, disturbances in sleep or interpersonal
relationships, headaches, reduction in
libido, and the ability to work. Other emotional problem
areas could be: feelings of anger, helplessness, guilt,
a change in attitude, and perceptions of change in quality
of life.
Impact of the Psychological Problems

Ultimately, the psychological assessment aims to identify
the manner and extent to which the client’s problems
diminish his/her daily routine activity. The frequency,
intensity and duration of psychological problems are
examined for functioning in the following areas:

From an integration of the accumulated data, a projection
of progress and recommendations for treatment are made
in a coherent and well integrated report.
 What are the
benefits of a personal injury assessment?

Personal injury assessments are undertaken at the direction
of either the court or legal counsel, especially where
psychological trauma is indicated. Such trauma may result
from motor vehicle accidents, wrongful dismissals, sexual
harassment and abuse, or medical malpractice. A personal
injury assessment fully addresses the interface of psychological
and physical trauma on an individual’s functioning.
Such an assessment may facilitate the healing process
and aid in the provision of financial compensation.

Neuropsychological assessments are important for cases
related to personal injury suits, particularly when
there are suggestions of possible brain injury. A neuropsychological
assessment can provide information regarding:

client’s impairment or lack thereof
for recovery and long term cognitive, behavioural and
emotional difficulties
of the effect of injury on family and significant others
of the impact on future functioning and cost of care.
 Who benefits from a neuropsychological

Individuals with known or suspected brain injury that
may have occurred as a result of an accident, whiplash,
neurological disease, cerebrovascular accident, chronic
alcoholism, etc. This can also include individuals who
are experiencing ongoing problems as a result of suspected
dysfunction in cognitive processing (e.g. attention
and/or learning deficits, memory difficulties, amnesia). |